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Safe load limits for push around vertical lifts

The safe load limit is the maximum load that the equipment can bear under normal working conditions. For push around vertical lifts, strict compliance with this limit is essential to prevent equipment overload, ensure structural stability, reduce the risk of failure and protect the safety of operators.
Basis for setting safe load limits
Equipment design and manufacturing standards: When designing push around vertical lifts, manufacturers will set reasonable safe load limits based on factors such as the structural strength, material properties, power system and safety mechanisms of the equipment. These limits are usually rigorously tested and verified to ensure the reliability and safety of the equipment.
Industry standards and regulations: Different countries and regions may have corresponding industry standards and regulations for such equipment, requiring manufacturers to clearly mark the safe load limit on the equipment and ensure that the equipment does not exceed this limit in actual use.
Practical application of safe load limits
Pre-operation inspection: Before using push around vertical lifts, operators should carefully check the load capacity marking of the equipment and confirm that the weight of the cargo to be carried does not exceed the safe load limit.
Balanced load: In addition to the total weight, operators should also pay attention to the balance of the load and avoid concentrating the weight on one side of the equipment to prevent the equipment from tilting or being damaged.
Regular maintenance and inspection: To ensure that the load capacity of the push around vertical lifts remains unchanged, regular maintenance and inspections should be carried out, including checking the structural integrity of the equipment, the operating condition of the power system, and the effectiveness of the safety mechanism.