Reeslift updated material lifts recently, and finished testing successfully.The quality has reached a higher level.To sum up,there are three advantages as standard features comparing with old ones.
The first one is special bolts for machining,the smooth rod part is fitted with the bearing, which can reduce friction on bearing inner ring and prolong the service life of bearings.It is shown below.
Second one is Anti-falling structure designed to prevent falls or accident.In extreme cases, such as the rope breaking, the cargo fork carrying the goods at working height will instantly stop and lock, to prevent falling and to ensure personal safety. This is very import thing to be considered for Reeslift.Please see it as below.
The third one is sequential up/down part seen it below.The purpose is to make each mast lift in order to prevent the previous mast does not lift or drop to the limited position, which is easy to lead to the passive lifting or falling of the following mast which will result in the disorder of the order lifting and major safety risks.